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Self-Reliance Principles

The Lord has declared, “It is my purpose to provide for my saints” (D&C 104:15). This revelation is a promise that the Lord will provide temporal blessings and open the door of self-reliance. He has also declared that “it must needs be done in [His] way” (D&C 104:16). To receive the blessings of self-reliance, we must accept and live the principles of self-reliance, which include exercising faith in Jesus Christ, using our time wisely, being obedient, managing our money, working and taking responsibility for it, solving problems, becoming one together/working together, communicating (both petitioning and listening), persevering, exercising integrity, seeking learning and education, and staying on task and receiving ordinances.

See the booklet "My Foundation: Principles, Skills, Habits" for more information (click on the link or open the pdf version available in the Additional File Resources below in English or Spanish).

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