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Medical Resources

TexCare Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
The TexCare Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is designed for families who earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid health care, yet cannot afford to buy private insurance. The parents in some of these families have jobs that do not offer health insurance for children. Other parents' jobs offer health insurance, but the insurance is so expensive that families cannot afford it.  Learn more...

Texas Medicaid
Medicaid is the State and Federal cooperative venture that provides medical coverage to eligible needy persons. The purpose of Medicaid in Texas is to improve the health of people in Texas who might otherwise go without medical care for themselves and their children.  Learn more...

Healthy Texas Women
State sponsored site that helps low income applicants with health resources for health issues related to women. 

North Austin Area Storehouse

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Maintained by the Cedar Park Stake Self-Reliance Committee

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